SYSTEM ENGINE OPTIMIZATION OR THE SEO is an exceptional process where the internet knows you more than your better half. Believe it or not!
Optimisation starts every time you use system engines. Examples of these are Google and Yahoo. There are social networks like Facebook and Twitter that have their own versions of search engines. Image searching based search engines like Pinterest also uses optimisation. When you research about something using search engines, the internet’s spiders, bots and crawlers or the programs that harvest information from search engines direct you to links that actually feed this curiosity. SEO provides you a list of websites where the researched word is more elaborated upon. The first five usually are the most popular and visited ones. And as you click the best website that answers your query sends data to a huge think bank in cyberspace that somehow integrates your other researches and links it to another to determine your next move. These elements are able to i.d. you in terms of your searching activity if you don’t have a habit of clearing website cookies. In response, they put ads for the purpose of trial and error that surprisingly, you may find worth paying attention to, and eventually clicking during your idle time of swiping through your feed. This just leads you to a non-stop clicking.
Let’s define this first.
Wikipedia says:
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine‘s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural”, “organic“, or “earned” results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users; these visitors can then be converted into customers.[1] SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, video search, academic search,[2] news search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. SEO differs from local search engine optimization in that the latter is focused on optimizing a business’ online presence so that its web pages will be displayed by search engines when a user enters a local search for its products or services. The former instead is more focused on national searches.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience.
Understanding THAT IT IS a real marketing strategy, could it be true that system engine optimisation knows you more personally than your spouse? Let’s take Facebook as an example.
In February 2004, Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook. Along with a friend, Andrew Garfield, they developed a platform for a social network to be possible in their Harvard campus after Mark got dumped by her girlfriend. Andrew had developed an algorithm that allowed this social network to go global. It made them accidental millionaires and the movie, “The Social Network” could give you a brief history of how it came to be.

Net worth according to the list of Top 20 Billionaires released last Mar. 21, 2017 by Forbes: (US$56billion/$billion pounds)
The platform was called originally in August 2005. In a 2006 survey of the top 5 “in” things on college campuses, Facebook, now commonly known as “FB”, tied with beer but scored lower than iPods. The “LIKE” button was originally supposed to balled the “Awesome” button. Mark Zuckerberg initially rejected photo sharing; he had to be persuaded that it was a good idea by then-president Sean Parker. There were more than a billion monthly active users as of December 2012. There were US$680 million monthly active users of FB mobile products as of December 2012. One out of every 5 page views in the United States is on FB. Let me say that again: ONE OUT OF EVERY FIVE PAGE VIEWS IN THE UNITED STATES IS ON FACEBOOK!
– Gary Vaynerchuk, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook*
Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the meanest, baddest entrepreneurs of today. He owns Vaynermedia and he’s one of the biggest names in advertisement and public relations. Why? He understands social media and had figured out Facebook’s DNA when it comes to optimising information from its ever-growing population. He respects and hails FB’s algorithm in filtering every status update you’ve written, every photo you have posted; connection you’ve established and what news or information you’re most likely to share. These data lead him to knowing what kind of advertisement becomes effective using the most low-cost form of advertisement platform that it had become, Facebook!
Facebook become your television, your radio, your means of connecting all over the world and it’s your magazine and source of information and you as a user are hooked. May it be about people, events, places, services, reviews – it’s available by just typing the word in.

Aren’t you surprised how ads come up at the side of your feed? The bots and spiders I was talking about awhile ago, had put them there. Whatever seminars, products, websites to follow, that come out as advertisements are based on FB’s system engine optimisation and is almost designed perfectly for you. Words or hashtags that you put into your status gets connected with other user’s with their simple clicking of the “like” button under it.
We are just talking about you and the information you outsource alone. What you came across reading this morning, the place you drank a good cappuccino from, the event you are looking forward to, the friends you’re now with, the series you watch, the book you read, the breakfast set you ordered, you even get to share a rant for your status from lining up for the train… are examples of providing data. Now, all the people who would react to this gets linked to your feed automatically and so are the people who are linked to them. Unless you had set up the privacy of your account limiting what can be seen only to your friends, the possibility of endless connections are at bay.
Your brother is on Facebook, your colleagues are on Facebook, your girlfriend, your ex-boyfriend, your friend from primary years is on it too probably asking you to loan him some money, your aunt from the other side of the world is on it. Your teacher who shared about having the guts to do bungee jumping finally had just came out of your news feed, your 70-year old grandma had just liked your photo, and believe it or not even somebody’s dog you know has a Facebook account. You get the picture of how large-scale this platform had become? Now do you think it’s easy to get rid of this? Big NO!
Because of such security, it just didn’t serve as a platform for socializing. Because people spend most of their time facebooking, FB people actually thought of putting advertisements. Slowly, products and services came in. Specific groups have created their page and eventually, companies had no choice but to include an FB page to their main stream for accessibility to customers. FB took advantage of this by including an option of a business page to develop connecting it to a CEO’s personal account. People who have the same interests got to know each other and eventually got together as expected of human nature, In form of forums, online discussions and webinars, further advertising and marketing had become potentially endless. All entrepreneurs, start-up companies and sellers eat from a silver spoon because the specific kind of people gets saturated on Facebook and their target market can be reached “globally” in 5 minutes or less. Just recently, I have boosted a post online and I just had to choose the right demographics for my specific post to reach interested people within 5 miles radius from where I am. Guess what? I reached the people who I never knew existed to like my projects and blog posts. Now, with these companies putting their products and businesses within the reach of the mass, with highly likeable products like NIKE Jordan’s, MAC make up, ZARA handbags, UNDER ARMOUR gym accessories, BOSE headphones, and latest Apple product, the bigger the chance a purchase will be made.
But whatever the marketer’s intention is, FB is not after any purchase that will come out of these interests. What they are after are more of the sharing, the likes and the status that mentions about whatever keyword was shared the most at a specific time. Unnecessary and unwanted information will bombard FB users in this way though, FB thought. What could be more annoying? They didn’t want to be Twitter. So, they figured out a system so as not to nag you with anything unsolicited, called EdgeRank.
Every interaction a person has with Facebook, from posting a status update of a photo, to liking, sharing or commenting, is called an “edge”, and, theoretically, every edge channels into the news stream. But not everyone who could see these edges actually does, because EdgeRank is constantly reading algorithmic tea leaves to determine which edges are most interesting to the most number of people. It tracks all the engagement a user’s own content receives, as well as the engagement a user has with other people’s or brands’ content. The more engagement a user has with a piece of content, the stronger EdgeRank believes that user’s interest will be in similar content, and it filters that person’s news stream accordingly (a randomiser ensures that occasionally we’ll see a post from someone we haven’t talked to in years, thus keeping Facebook fresh and surprising). For example, EdgeRank makes sure that a user who often likes or comments on a friend’s photos, but who ignores that friend’s plaintext status updates, will see more of that friend’s photos and fewer of his status updates. Every engagement, whether between friends or between users and brands, strengthens their connection and the likelihood that EdgeRank will push appropriate content from those friends and brands to the top of a user’s News Feed.
–> GARY VAYNERCHUK, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
With these information put together, let me summarise it for you.
Facebook is just but one of the many social networks we engage with daily. Briefly, this is what Facebook allows you to do.
- allows you to bring out your sentiments through status updates. Complete with icons, tagging capability and location markings.
- helps you document great events by allowing you to post photos and wherever you register that photo (For ex., Instagram) from, it allows you to feature it whenever, wherever, however YOU LIKE.
- puts out ads that you never knew you were interested about for a long time.
- leads you to great purchases that were the purest desires of your heart for (forever) now.
- senses your behaviour through the emotions you put up and gives you the aid that you need.
Believe it or not, this is how Facebook takes advantage of how much of a human you are. You check on your phone more than greeting your spouse good morning perhaps, because you are allowed of these things that’s why upon waking up,. The idea of this article is actually a hyperbole. But I know I am not wrong that sometimes, you prefer the phone because it understands you more and it doesn’t nag back.
Don’t forget though that you have to look up every now and then.