OKRA may not be as famous as any other usual ingredient in a salad mix but amongst Filipinos, there’s something about it that leads one to home. And while I have a definite love for it to research and find out it was not a vegetable all this time, here’s what else I found out. 1. The term “okra” commonly…

Do you find imposing handwashing for 20 seconds to your child challenging? While there’s always that magic of repetition, music, may just be the fairy dust you may need to keep the approach lighter and fun. Let me share to you this handwashing song for your kid that even comes with easy steps. Kids slobber, tinker, explore. What comes with…

New Year’s. There’s always that nice ring to such greeting. It speaks of hope, something worth waiting for, or just the future in all its glory. But, human nature, with its clingy tendencies, channel paranoia around this topic through an acceptable way called ‘What to expect’. So here’s thinking out loud about the five things to watch out for starting…

Are you an OFW, locked away from the Philippines because of contracts or are rearing their families overseas? Here is a channel that you could access for free Tagalog lessons that are kid-friendly and fun. It’s almost a year that travel bans and lockdowns are enforced. People don’t travel anymore unless it’s necessary. And a long-term effect of this would…

Results of The Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services Global Financial Literacy Survey (S&P Global FinLit Survey), conducted in December 2015, reflected that only 31% of the total global adult population have an idea on how to handle money. The solution then was financial literacy. Five years later, as COVID-19 shakes every adult’s financial capacity, shouldn’t we have aimed for financial…

As a mom of two, I find Perfect Diary, a go-to when it comes to wanting a finish that would last hours. While there are endless demands from us moms, from our children to our careers, there seems to be no excuse to not put up a presentable face even if it’s just a casual lunch-out or a parent-teacher meeting.…

Constant curiosity around thoughts on how to make writing for a living possible resonates stronger than ever, now that people on lockdown would do anything to pass time. You have been wanting to write for a living because you had been dreaming of working from home. So, you’re wondering if monetizing that blog or YouTube channel is possible. The answer…

Happy mother’s day to all the mothers in the world. And to those who stepped on the shoes of being one, guardians, aunties, and grandmothers, who chose to partake the responsibility. You didn’t only become a child’s first teacher, first love, and first friend, but also the angel to whom everything is owed, as God’s representative in our lives. This…