What do you love doing? You are good at what? People pay you for? What does the world need? Try answering these questions honestly. Recite the answers to yourself in private and try to analyse them. You would find out that the reason you wake up in the morning may answer one or two questions above. And that your sense…

Do you crave for a place or an event in Hong Kong that doesn’t involve street parties? Do you find yourself hard to talk at a bar because of bands that are too loud at the background? Cab Sessions Hong Kong invites you and your friends to a night of your songs from different genres, favourite musicals, and soundtracks. Any…


Having a Samoan ali’i (high chief) for a husband pushes me to research on so many things about Samoa. As a faletua (the chief’s wife), I aim to hone my daughter to be the best for the kinship. While I know good manners and right conduct should be flawlessly developed, one of the many things I would like my daughter…

Paralympic Games

When you face a great hindrance in reaching for your dreams, do you give up? What do you actually do to attain them? Do you resort to calling it quits when 80-90% of making it happen is a given failure? How do you actually define “impossible”? Is there such a thing? Or is it just a limitation we set in…

I knew “Crazy Rich Asians” by Kevin Kwan would be a controversial novel when Goodreads recommended it to me for my next “what to read”. While writing my review for the Telesa Series, the title tickled my interest in more ways than one. When the movie went out 3 months later, I knew I had to watch it. But not without reading…

Norwegian Cruise Line Auditions

What if you can enjoy traveling around the world while doing what you love? Performing artists, vocalists and dancers alike may showcase what they got. Share your talent through the auditions for the Norwegian Cruise Line. It runs through the month of October all the way through the first two weeks of November at these locations! General requirements include: Applicants must…

World class talent is one of the strongest suits of the Filipinos. Maybe it’s due to their resilience of sustaining professionalism mixed with happiness even if faced with adversity and challenges. Just recently, NAS Daily had featured a Filipino who lives in Hong Kong because of the very same reason. Spare a few minutes to watch this! Because believe it…

one of the best roof decks in Hong Kong

While indulging on a long weekend, Hong Kong had made way for Autumn slowly and surely. Through its traditions of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival, my traditions of finding good hang-outs to enjoy the breeze comes to life as well. Adios to the summer breeze that ripened the apples as it transforms into the humid kind turning the same apples into…

Hong Kong Thunder

Hong Kong takes the global stage with its rugby league team. 29 warriors will be representing the country If you are a passionate Hongkie who hails rugby in all forms, let this post speak to you. Young as the sport may be as it thrives in the 852, the Hong Kong Rugby League had surpassed great lengths of challenges. The…

The TELESÁ or TEINE SÁ, according to Samoan legend, are the ‘spirit women’ that guard specific forests, villages, pools and falls in Samoa. These spirit women fulfill their purpose with nature’s gifts. Their gifts come in the form of fauna afi (fire), matagi (wind) and vasa loloa (ocean). As far as the legends go, offending the TELESÁ has consequences that are…