The Road to Glamnetic Eyelashes may be the simplest you’ll tread, yet it offers the most glamorous outcome at a very affordable cost.
Glamnetic Eyelashes promises to improve a girl’s traumatic experience of putting on lashes in three ways:
1. Not involving glue.
2. Not involving pain.
3. Not involving any expertise in makeup application.

Nowadays, people consider the masks they wear as part of everyone’s fashion getup. Such forced lifestyle leaves the eyes are and depended on more than ever, as far as communication is concerned.
While we may feel locked up not being able to travel, restricted to gather and made to stay at home to work and study, it doesn’t mean that we have to lock up self-expression, creativity, and perfection too.
As social beings, meeting with friends over dinner without the need to wear masks or gathering without walking on eggshells because of local government restrictions, were recent wishes expressed verbally by many. Through social platforms, in casual conversations, amongst quick catch-ups, people had been venting out about getting stuck at home.
Dressing up becomes an instant confidence-booster. While Zoom meetings serve as a temporary resolution for birthday celebrations, monthly corporate updates, being under the mask in public still was plainly meh. So last Christmas, I thought it would be nice to get a pair to explore how it enhances simple eye contact into a smize while adding some personality to it.
You will find out in this video how easy it is to apply these lashes, how good it looks like and what may need more work. Feel free to comment below if you have any queries.
With the price, quality, and mission mentioned in this video, you may take note if it’s worth your budget. I am not affiliated with Glamnetic in any way. I reviewed this product just to advise fellow moms that it may be good to resort to this because being a mom just needs skill in finding the right make up product for you. It may not have garnered a perfect score, you may agree with me on that. But in general, everything I share here is solely based on my experience. So feel free to disclose something that you need me to address.