An overdue review of the Va-i-Moana Seaside Lodge took me a long time to write. Because of the duties that tagged along with the biggest turnover in my husband’s adult life. His family and the village bestowed him of the title, High Chief Masoe, in Savai’i, Samoa last year. It was truly an awakening experience that I never even knew still…

Every foreigner I know that visited my home country, the Philippines, complimented on food, beaches and people. NAS Daily had put it on a pedestal alright. Here’s the sad part. The capital city of Manila leaves a bad reputation for being one of the most dangerous cities. It is polluted, overpopulated, dirty and of course, the cherry on top of…

Everyday tasks and never-ending to-do-lists preoccupy us tremendously. But with an advanced technology at hand, people are convinced that they are able to finish a lot of tasks. But to finish it all, we have to spend a lot of time with our gadgets. The question is, how much of our time are we actually spending on this? Nowadays you…

How often are you thankful for your gift of sight? You might agree with me that most often than not, it gets taken for granted. What’s worse, it’s the least thanked for. Meditation reminded me to be mindful of the things I got to see in this lifetime and to take a moment to remember them. I encourage you to…

Right when you thought the values you instilled in your child were not planted well, be patient. They absorb like sponges. By repetition, they keep it in their hearts and their minds seal it. And they always do what they see from you, not what you tell them to. In one of the many conversations I’ve had with my daughter,…

The foreword by James Scott Bell for this particular guide-book awakens me with an impact. That if you dream of getting somewhere, you have to at least seek guidance from those who had gone there already. From those who had gone through the process. You have to listen well and carefully. You have to learn fast. And to grow discreetly…

Another Filipino, Irvine Roy Abesamis, graces the international musical scene of his world-class talent. From representing his alma mater, University of the Philippines, as one of its Filipiniana pride, he goes global representing the Philippines. Dancing had been his first love. But he continued to dig deeper. He knew from before that he wanted to be a singer. But now…

Experience something different this Christmas season. Watch Fatu Mole Pasifika sizzle onstage with hips swooshing around to the beat of the drums. The Polynesian group will do heart racing slap dance, fire-knife dance and Tahitian dance at Life Base, Pui O. The place where Nas Daily featured the ‘Real Tarzan‘, Jason, will be the site for the said event. Come…

Social skills play a key role in effective communication. It is imperative to guide its development from a very young age. But how can parents enhance these social skills? How are baby coos facilitated to turn into sentences? Our social skills may have started developing right when we were still in our mothers’ wombs. Mysterious as it may seem, human connection…