Now that is a speech!
She hooks people with sensible sense of humor in the beginning and ends it with a stake in the heart. After hearing her end the speech with a short yet powerful statement of “Take your broken heart into arts.”, I couldn’t help but get moved.
My husband’s family wass hanging out in our room so I quickly made an escape in the bathroom to hide my welling eyes after watching this. But my two year old daughter, Brave, was in the bathroom doing her business so I had no choice. So when I sat down to give myself time to swallow the message, I ducked my head in between my folded arms to get a grip. And Brave got worried.
Brave: Owwhhhh nooo…. crying. Mommy’s crying.
Me: No babe, I’m not. (still ducked)
Brave: Mommy, crying, why?
Me: Sssshhh!!!
Brave: Are you ok? Is Daddy mad?
Me: Brave, ssshhhh!!! (I was worried because my husband might hear her.) Daddy is not mad, daddy loves me. How did you get so smart?
Brave: Yiiiieeeessss!!! (….sounding like affirmative and giving a judgemental nonverbal arch of the eyebrows saying: how come you still cry if he loves you?)
And then I laughed because she was sincerely worried. I explained to her that I watched something touching. I watched somebody talk about equality with no filter and was plain truth. It was overwhelming.
Only Meryl Streep has this power of combining elegance with sarcasm and sense of humor. I love her.

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