I knew “Crazy Rich Asians” by Kevin Kwan would be a controversial novel when Goodreads recommended it to me for my next “what to read”. While writing my review for the Telesa Series, the title tickled my interest in more ways than one. When the movie went out 3 months later, I knew I had to watch it. But not without reading the novel first.
Thank God to friends and followers of Katrina Toomalatai page who strongly suggested reading the book first before watching the movie. I knew that in my gut but I panicked that the movie might be gone by the time I finish reading the book. I thought I would never say this but it had me reading even at the most inconvenient times. It was the fastest book I’ve ever read considering the 544 pages it got. On top of my commitment to finish it before seeing the movie, the book was flawlessly engaging unexpectedly. I thought it was just a simple chick novel that resonated hollowness (as most of them do). But this was just not about how wealthy everybody seemed to be (sparing its protagonist, Rachel Chu).
Starting with a family tree, the book “Crazy Rich Asians” throws a bomb right away with an impulsive and revengeful purchase of something huge. (I will just limit information for the sake of spoiler haters.) Right then and there, the scene inflates the family’s massive wealth even more. Then it eases to the vacation Nick Young proposes for him and his girlfriend, Rachel Chu, to have so that she could meet his family. Needless to say, the wealth comes in the way of their relationship challenging it right and left. In the end, Rachel Chu, a professor in Economics, takes the decision-making into its most practical potential. It goes with a saying, “If you love somebody, set them free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever”.
So basically, it revolves around the lives of the rich, the problems they do have (whether you believe it or not, they have problems), and that Asians could be more discriminatory to each other than other races towards Asians.
With the book, the title “Crazy” Rich Asians denoted more of how their money makes them insanely privileged. It spoke to me of how Kevin Kwan or any third-party sees them. Not necessarily a wrong thing but it’s more of describing how swollen their riches are emphasising how it was earned 3 generations back.
The movie however, showed a different light to the word “Crazy”. The actors portrayed really “crazy” in showing off their money, in obsessing over who’s richer than them and most of all, how they can bully their way into getting what they want. As a critic, I can’t help but see the movie purely for profit. I would be offended if I am coming from those families. An override of power held true intentions at depth. It was quite unfair. But as far as my opinion could take it, it shook the world of how much intensity their possessions withheld.
Let China sleep, for when she awakens she will shake the world. – Napoleon Bonaparte
Part 3 – Epigraph, Crazy Rich Asians
I strongly recommend to those who feel enthusiastic about this, read the book first. Things in the book ended differently with the movie. That’s why I can’t help but think that the movie was purely for profit. Showcasing the book in a 2-hour movie surely limited it in disgraceful ways that personally I was in shock Kevin Kwan allowed it to happen.
The book was an easy read, great to be included in your annual reading list. The sense of humour is impeccable for each chapter. Except Araminta’s reaction to end a chapter, making a big fuss about Astrid (the only character I loved reading about in the book), repeating a gown in attending her wedding. I thought that was trying hard.
Don’t get me wrong, the movie ending was not bad at all. In fact, that mahjong scene was necessary for Michelle Yeoh’s reaction at the engagement party to be such a success. I thought she was the best to portray Eleanor Young. For me, she is Asia’s Cate Blanchett. Effortlessly elegant and timeless.
How real are these people and how much influence do they have? A spread on what actually Kevin Kwan talks about in his story featured rich women in Asia who may not just have the media ogling about their money, but also the beauty they exude. The elegance, the charm and their expression of will. Take a glimpse of the real crazy rich Asians, including Philippines’ Heart Evangelista.
Often, we misjudge rich people for JUST SPENDING OUT OF WHIM. But we should not underestimate their ability to make decisions, invest and most especially, help. There are a lot of people who gets confused when they see rich and/or famous people ride the train, till the soil, and invest on underdogs and start-ups. Like any other person, they experience problems, inadequacy and they age as well. Heck, nobody is exempted from the inevitable, right?
The point is, no matter how privileged, empowered and strong you think they are, they own guilt, they crave for privacy and they try to trust every chance they get.
As I hold knowledge of the filthy rich’s existence, I can’t help but hope that this message reaches at least some. Respect to those who had sustained their status as generations passed through bankruptcy, scandals and recessions. I just hope that they realise that nobody should feel more privileged than another.
God created the earth in abundance for ALL OF US. Whether rich or poor, white or black, atheists or believers, we are accountable for each other. We should never let somebody feel that they are of lower social stature than us or anybody else, most especially based on money.
The rich worked hard for what they own now. And they continuously keep themselves learned on how to sustain it for their future line of inheritance. But I can only say that somebody is rich if they know how to use what they have in abundance in helping others.