High Performers are not made overnight. It takes honesty and a great deal of awareness to figure out if you’re one in the first place. For those who consider themselves not “yet”, good news! It can be attained. After all, it’s not wrong to desire belonging to the “extraordinary”.

The 6 Habits of High Performers presented in the video help you to CRUSH IT. This is the main mantra for I Value My Life this year.

S.M.A.R.T. goals may be set but it’s important to stay motivated to keep your focus right. Factors like, emotions, expectations and distractions may mislead you. The secret is to hold on to habits that will help you do the right thing whenever you feel meh. Trust me, Mr. Procrastination and Mrs. Laziness come once in a while. Most often than not, they come together hand in hand and it’s always at the time when you least expect it.

Consider this video as a shield to anything that takes you away from your goals. Be reminded how powerful this video is and if need be, watch it each time when you lose hope. Each time you fall into despair, run to it and have a full tank to breeze through. Challenges makes the journey worth it! You just have to be ready to counter attack when it hits you hard.


I have a deep regard for your time. It's when I write and cook that time becomes non-existent. I love learning and while you think I am the kind of lady who has a lot of things to say, just take it that I was sharing what I had learned with full impact over a cup of Joe.

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