Hello to you!

I am Katrina Toomalatai and I am called Kyte by many. First and foremost, thank you for coming to this page.

Writing is my passion. Actually, I would like to hold on to as much of my memory as I could through it. Besides its power to keep everything on record, I write to get balanced out. I am a professional performing artist working for the happiest place on earth. The nature of my job is to give out joy. So, writing is my chance to give something to myself. To my surprise, I found out that most of what I write needs to be shared.

Why I Have Put Up This Blog

I have put up this website solely to serve as a source of good information. Packed of time worthy posts, it aims to credit people, places and events that inspired me and also to recommend fabulous finds that life may lead me to seeing. Hopefully, as I write my experiences alongside these tributes, I could serve as an inspiration to other people too. Most of it would be tackling everything I’m passionate about: DIY projects, movies, books, food, real life stories, volunteer and charity work, theatre plays, dance workshops and fitness regimes, education, finance, entrepreneurship, creativity, health and beauty. I can go on and on but to sum it all up, this website will be talking about living life to its maximum potential!

I have taught Fundamentals of Nursing and Bioethics. But now, I am finding fondness with teaching English. I have hosted kiddie parties and have edited a lot of written work. Ghostwriting, edupreneurship and now, managing SEIILEAFI. Did photography, studied Chemical Engineering and finished school by being under many dance scholarships including that of Salinggawi Dance Troupe of the University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, and FEDEX PBA team of the Philippines. I have had commercial endorsements done for Colgate-Palmolive Philippines, AMA Computer School and NESTEA Iced Tea. From 2001 to 2007, I danced with Whiplash Inc. before heading to Hong Kong to be part of the Hong Kong International Theme Parks Limited.

When did it start?

I have started blogging since 2006 and it changed my life immensely. It all started as a hobby until I find myself trying things, exploring places and tasting food just to be able to write something extraordinary. Not until I have sat with a life coaching student that I was able to direct my passion into a funnel that leads me to realizing what I really want to do in my life. I am a Bachelor of Nursing and Liberal Arts and currently part of the International News Syndicate after pursuing a diploma for Professional Freelance Journalism at the British College of Journalism.

I work as a professional parade dancer and I write on the side. In October 2016, I attended the Writer’s Digest Novel Writing Conference. That exposed me to influential writers that remain great inspiration. It led me to taking a leap to having a self-hosted blog. So now, I am here.

My Roots

I am from the Philippines married to a Samoan. I live in Hong Kong with my husband and daughter. That statement alone is full of culture, color and plenty of stories to tell in between. I juggle parenthood, relationships and a career like many others. Growth is inevitable and I may have experiences and thriving skills that may serve helpful to others. According to Internet Live Stats, as of 2016, 40% of the world’s population have internet connection. We are exposed to a lot of meaningless information. Therefore, wasted time.

I would love to be one of the people who will be putting worth to a reader’s second, minute, hour and day.

I encourage every follower and reader of this website to write for themselves as I end this. Exercise self rediscovery and self awareness through it regardless if it is to be published or not, Find what could help you in getting directed to your purpose. Also, please feel free to share away posts that you may find worthy to share from this website. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would want to avail of any goods and services offered here.




I have a deep regard for your time. It's when I write and cook that time becomes non-existent. I love learning and while you think I am the kind of lady who has a lot of things to say, just take it that I was sharing what I had learned with full impact over a cup of Joe.

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